Expert Chiropractic Care

Results-oriented to get you out of pain - fast


Disc Herniation

Low Back Disc Herniation: Try Chiropractic Treatment

Low back pain can occur when spinal discs in the lumbar area become herniated. A herniated disc occurs when the bone of a disc has crumbled or fractured and the soft inner core bulges through the outer portion of the disc. This can place pressure on the spinal nerve root which runs through the discs….


When and Why to Have a Bone Density Test

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, one in two women and one in four men over age 50 will experience an osteoporosis-induced fracture at some point in time. As we age, a loss of bone mass becomes more likely. When this happens, bones become brittle. This increases the risk of a fracture or break. Many…

memory foam mattress for back pain, chiropractor recommendations for mattresses

Memory Foam Mattresses and Back Health

Which kind of mattress is the best for reducing back pain? Could a memory foam mattress help you get a better night’s sleep? Could it help relieve your aching back? If you’re not getting enough sleep or you’re waking up every morning with a backache, you might be willing to do almost anything to stop…


Frequency of Chiropractic Adjustments?

When it comes to the frequency of chiropractic adjustments, each person’s individual needs and overall health must be taken into account. Adjustments are recommended whenever you have a spinal misalignment. However, it is not always clear when your spine is misaligned, since a subluxation can be completely painless. The best approach is to visit your…


What is Inversion Therapy?

Severe back pain can be debilitating and limit freedom of movement. Spinal vertebrae may become misaligned which causes nerves to become compressed. Since nerves are the body’s channels of communication, compression, or ‘pinching’, interferes with signaling throughout the body. This can lead to pain and malfunction. Sitting or standing places pressure on the vertebrae. Inversion…


Good Posture Matters

“Sit up straight”? Who didn’t hear that from their parents at one time or another when growing up. They weren’t telling us to do that without good reason. Proper posture is important for a variety of health reasons including proper breathing, improved concentration, reduced risk of neck and back pain and improved well-being. Despite this,…


Probiotics – Are They Worthwhile?

The intestines contain over 400 species of microorganisms that help with the digestive process and prevent the growth of harmful pathogens in the bowel. Therefore, keeping our internal ecology in order is essential to good health. However, there are many factors that can upset the balance of organisms in the gut – including eating the…


How Does Chiropractic Help Increase Range of Motion and Flexibility?

When we’re young, it’s easy to take normal range of motion and flexibility for granted. As certain health conditions or as aging occurs, the cumulative effects of wear and tear can begin to affect movement. When this happens it can become difficult to carry on normal daily activities. Even a movement as simple as picking…


ALINE Insoles for Healthy Feet and Improved Gait

A quarter of the body’s bones are in the feet providing the body a complex yet strong foundation that is constantly on-call to help move you from one place to another. With nineteen muscles and twenty-six bones in each foot, the position of the feet can be an important element of health which contributes to…


Pregnancy and Back Pain – Chiropractic Can Help

Having a child (especially for the first time) means big changes for new moms. As soon as conception occurs, changes begin to occur in a pregnant mother’s body. The combined effect of the physical changes may at times be inconvenient, uncomfortable or even painful. Pregnancy can strain a woman’s entire musculoskeletal system, particularly the back….


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