Expert Chiropractic Care

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ALINE Insoles Improve Postural Alignment

Postural Alignment

ALINE insoles have arrived at Moramarco Chiropractic Office! ALINE is a foot suspension system offering a fit custom to one’s varied foot issues and alignment needs. They are an affordable alternative to expensive orthotics, and a far superior choice to store bought insoles.

Many foot, ankle, knee, hip, and low back pains can be the result of joint misalignments. Often, these misalignments can result in postural imbalances that begin at the feet!

I am excited about ALINE insoles because they ALIGN your feet, ankles and lower legs for optimal balance and control, resulting in less wear and tear on the body. They also STABILIZE the foot inside your shoe resulting in a smoother stride with less fatigue. The foot structure is suspended to let your feet (and body) move more efficiently.

Most people either pronate (feet turn inward), or supinate (feet turn outward) to some degree. ALINE’s are designed to correct that problem, quickly and easily, in a static or dynamic position. When you wear properly fit ALINE’s, it puts feet into a neutral position and eliminates pronation or supination. ALINE’s can also help with arch support and foot pain. If you don’t know if you pronate or supinate, look at the wear patterns on your shoes. They may tell the story.

The makers of ALINE insoles have developed a patented fitting process that makes it simple to diagnose foot misalignments. As an ALINE Certified Expert (ACE), I can now easily identify health issues that may begin at the feet and provide insoles so you can walk out of the office, in alignment.

Results show improved alignment, balance, and reduced injuries and pain. ALINE’s currently boast a very impressive 97% user satisfaction.

If improved athletic performance is your goal, then ALINE insoles can help as well. A recent Tufts study has shown athletic performance improves when feet are aligned properly. Numerous athletes have supported that claim, attributing the innovative foot suspension system to better athletic performance, and power.

My search for a product like ALINE’s began because of my work with scoliosis and my awareness that nearly all with scoliosis have some gait or foot issues. What I discovered is a product that will now help both my chiropractic and scoliosis patients. From a chiropractic standpoint, I foresee ALINE’s helping patients hold adjustments longer. I also anticipate their use will aid in faster healing after a knee, hip or low back injury.

If you think a family member or friend could benefit, please bring them. We’ve increased our inventory for this event, so, hopefully, all in attendance can walk out ALINEd.

ALINE your feet.

Align your spine.

Feel fine.

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